What’s your Summer skincare routine?

What’s your Summer skincare routine?

It's that time Ladies to get our skin ready for summer! As Summer approaches we've got to start prepping our skin for fun in the sun! Now when we were teenagers we just grabbed our flip flops and ran out the door. Thanks to those youthful choices, way back when, it's time to think ahead and take control of our skin. Contrary to popular belief Summer requires a bit more attention than we would think. Here are some tips to help your skin through the Summer heat. 

Top Five ways to get that Summer Glow

  • Hydrate

  • Nourish

  • Protect

  • Exfoliate & Moisturize

  • Exercise



Cocktails are great and probably in high demand this Summer, however that's not the hydration we speak of.  Hydration is key to staying energized and keeping your skin glowing during the long Summer days. Whether you're working out or just out and about. During the Summer months your body is constantly loosing moisture which needs to be replenished throughout the day. Here's how to keep those moisture levels up:

Start your morning with a glass of water /coconut water/or fruit infused water.

Infuse your water with citrus fruits and cucumber overnight this gives your water some some flavor and boosts it hydrating factor.

Keep your water bottle on you and drink from it!

Lots of us are used to dragging our water bottles around with us all day but how often are we actually drinking from it? Let's start! 


Summer eating is really the best! backyard BBQ's, vacations, and beach parties all come with yummy snacks and guilty pleasures. It's Summer and no one wants to be a buzz kill, however we need to make sure we are getting certain foods regularly. Luckily Summer options are always crowd favorites. 

Stock up on Summer Fruits

This one is easy and yummy! Get your fill of grapes, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, and watermelon. These do wonders for hydration and keeps your skin glowing. 

Don't forget your veggies!

Summer comes with the richest veggies full of color and flavor. 

Tomatoes help fight cellular damage, prevent signs of aging, and act as a natural sunscreen

Avocados are rich in fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants

Cucumbers are 90% water, rich in vitamin C and Silica which are important for skin growth and cleansing.


This one is an absolute must! No use in having glowing skin if you're not going to protect it! Without proper protection that beautiful glow will not only fade away but you can put your skin in danger. These days everyone under the sun ;) makes a sunscreen so you can always find one to fit your needs just be mindful most are loaded with a lot of chemicals. 

For those who have sensitive skin or just prefer natural alternatives here are a couple tips. 

DIY- Always a good alternative! 

Ingredients that work-

A light carrier oil such as Apricot Kernel or Jojoba, beeswax, Shea Butter(natural SPF 10-15), add essential oils for added protection( Lavender & Chamomile) and personalized scents, and zinc oxide.( which you can find online)

Don't forget to wear a hat!

Apply sunscreen or moisturizer under makeup. 

Stay out of the sun during the hottest hours of the day noon-3p usually


Exfoliate & Moisturize

This should be an important part of your skin care routine anyway but especially during the summer months. Excess sweating along with makeup can build up and clog pores. 

Exfoliating helps get rid of dead skin cells and dirt so your pores are clear and your skin is prepped to absorb moisture, so you can maintain that glow! Try using a homemade sugar scrub made with honey once a week during the Summer. 


Moisturizing is incredibly important during the summer months. Your skin may not feel dry but the use of sunscreens and makeup are just a few things that can leave your skin looking dull without the proper moisture. Hydration, as we mentioned before, moisturizes from the inside but you've got to keep up with topical methods even during the summer. 

Try a homemade body oil and use it in the shower. After cleansing apply all over, give yourself a quick rinse, and that's it! If you use this method during the Winter, lighten up your mixture with Jojoba, coconut, Apricot Kernel, or Avocado oils. 


Summer is almost here and we all have a tendency to scale back on our workout routine once Summer has arrived. Well don't take your foot off the gas just yet. Besides feeling more comfortable in your skin after a good workout you also feel better overall. Your mood is lifted, your energy is up, and you look great! Keep it going! 

Exercise does wonders for your skin. Increasing circulation regularly prevents swelling, aids in digestion, and rids the body of toxins by sweating it out. You've been working hard for that Summer Body don't stop now and lose that glow!

These are just a few helpful tips to change up your skin care routine this Summer. Depending on which part of the country you live, you may need somethings more than others. Just listen to your body and pay attention to your skin. It will always lead you in the right direction. Alright ladies get ready Summer is just around the corner!


-Be comfortable able in your skin

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